Week 6


Jacob has fled home, as Esau and his father are murderously angry with him - he stole the birthright and the blessing from Esau and deceived his father.

Jacob takes on a nomadic life, tending his flocks, marrying Laban's daughter Rachel. Laban turns out to be a very difficult father-in-law, and they struggle to get along. Jacob's whole personal history is family conflict. 

Read Genesis 28:10-22 Jacob's Ladder

How do you think Jacob must have been feeling at this point in life? What do you think his relationship with God looks like? Why does God meet in in this dream in this way? What did Jacob need reassurance of?

Have you ever been reassured of the presence and care of God in a dream, or in a spiritual experience?

Read Genesis 32:3-33:11

There are two events intertwined here:

1) Jacob trying to reconcile with brother Esau

2) Wrestling with God

What do the two events have to do with one another? Think about how Jacob's story begins - with 'wrestling' the birthright blessing out of Esau's hands. What's Jacob's spiritual and emotional need? What are his fears? How does God meet him? How does Jacob experience God's salvation?

Have you ever 'wrestled' with God? 

Jacob's life journey and spiritual journey are fraught with conflict and doubt, yet in the end God enables Jacob to be reconciled with his brother, and Jacob to live into his destiny as a bearer of God's covenant promises.


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